Child Sexual abuse affects 5-16% of children < 16 in the UK. That means if you have 1000 patients under 16 at your Practice you will have at least 50 to 160 victims on your list.
Are you confident in speaking to them about their abuse? Should you be examining them? Do you know what signs to look out for to confirm they have been abused? Do you know what help there is available for them? If you are unsure and want to increase your confidence in this area, then this level 3 training is for you.
1. The various ways that a child might present to you in Primary Care
2. How to ask children about sexual abuse
3. Case studies to illustrate:
• When it is OK to examine and when you shouldn’t
• The differential diagnosis of common paediatric genital conditions
• Being able to understand what you are seeing and how to manage the patient
• Knowing when and who to refer on to and local pathways
Meet the Speaker
Dr Yasmin Husain has been practicing as a GP for 25 years. She is currently working two sessions a week in a Practice in Birmingham. She started her career in safeguarding in 2014 as a “Safeguarding Champion” for Birmingham Cross City CCG.
She became one of the Named GPs for Birmingham and Solihull CCG Safeguarding team in 2018 and does four sessions a week. As part of this role she has responsibility for the Learning and Development programme in Birmingham and Solihull and has therefore been very active in providing training for all Primary Care Staff- clinical and non- clinical.
She designs bespoke presentations depending on the audience and their safeguarding learning requirements. She is also a Clinical Educator for the IRISi Domestic abuse programme which is a collaboration between Primary Care and Women’s Aid in England and a trainer for Prevent (radicalisation).
She understands the learning needs of Primary Care Staff through conducting Safeguarding reviews into adult and child deaths and cases of neglect.