With COVID-19 numbers and admissions starting to rise again, ongoing concern about the lack of vaccine response in immune-suppressed people and a bewildering array of new treatments available we are pleased to be able to provide you with a timely update, with a FREE one-hour live and interactive webinar on Management of Acute COVID-19 in the community on Tuesday, January 17th. The webinar will be presented by NB regulars Drs Zoe Norris and Neal Tucker.
We shall cover the assessment of a new case, when we should consider admission, which patients should be considered at the highest risk and what the criteria are for anti-COVID-19 treatments. We shall give an overview of the options, including antivirals and the neutralising monoclonal antibodies (nMABS) and what we need to know about these drugs in primary care including prescribing considerations (e.g. possible pregnancy, impact of co-morbidities, important drug interactions etc) and the side effects to look out for.
To make this webinar freely available to as wide an audience as possible, it has been sponsored by Pfizer Ltd. Pfizer has had no involvement in the design or production of this webinar. The content is based on recent national guidelines and evidence and is free from any external influence. We hope you can join us!
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 17th January 2023 starting at 8pm and finishing at 9pm. The webinar will also be available on-demand for 12 months after the course has taken place.
You will be able to claim 1 hour of CPD credits for attending this online webinar and can access a downloadable certificate.
You will be emailed a direct link to view the webinar shortly after registration and can also view it via the NB Medical Dashboard on desktop or mobile iOS & Android devices.