Tuesday 20 June 2023 | 19:00 – 20:00
How do we help prevent recurrent UTI in care homes?
Anyone managing the care of a patient in a nursing or care home setting will know firsthand the impact of an untreated UTI. Patients are often left felling confused, distressed and can be disruptive.
Join Cheryl Angco to talk about some of the typical patients she has encountered during her extensive career in nursing. During the talk she will provide practical advice on how to best support the GP in making a correct diagnosis of UTI and prevent future infections.
Learning objectives
By the end of this webinar, you should:
- Understand some of the typical signs of UTI/recurrent rUTI in patients with a range of conditions
- Be able to offer practical advice on how to prevent recurrent UTIs in a care home setting
- Understand what support is available for both care home staff and relatives around the condition
- Understand when to refer care home patients to secondary care