Introduction to Dermoscopy

Free webinar from NB Medical

Event overview:

Free webinar from NB Medical

Hot Topics Dermoscopy Clinic - Live Webinar - Tuesday 7th November 2023

Dermoscopy not only improves the recognition of melanoma skin cancer, but it also reduces the need for unnecessary referrals, biopsies and even excisions of benign skin lesions. This reminds us, when we look at a clinical lesion, if we’re in doubt…time to get our dermatoscope out! What the eye doesn’t see, our faithful dermatoscope sees for us!

If you’d like to learn more about the magic of dermoscopy, join our FREE interactive one-hour Introduction to Dermoscopy Webinar. Philippa and Will will be accompanied by Dr Chin Whybrew a GP Partner, and dermoscopy lead for the Primary Care Dermatology Society, as they share their words of wisdom and passion for dermoscopy with you.

The webinar will be carried out on Tuesday 7th November 2023 starting at 8 pm and will finish at 9 pm.

You will be able to claim 1 CPD credit for attending this webinar and a downloadable certificate will be available.

You will be emailed a direct link to view the webinars shortly after registration as well as a reminder the day before the session and you can also view them via the NB Medical Dashboard or NB App on iOS or Android devices.

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