CVD - free day of webinars by Pulse Virtual

Free day of learning for GPs and GP trainees. This first day is all about CVD.

Event overview:

Free day of learning for GPs and GP trainees. This first day is all about CVD.


Tuesday, 06 February 2024

09:30 - 10:25
Chair's Opening Remarks followed by NICE Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification update
Dr Anish Kotecha, GP partner, Cwmbran Village Surgery

Dr Rani Khatib, Consultant Pharmacist in Cardiology & Cardiovascular Research, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and National Clinical Champion for PCSK9i & Lipid Management, NHS England

10:40 - 11:25
Improving access to cardiorenal protection in T2DM: implementing NICE guidance
This is a promotional symposium sponsored and organised by AstraZeneca and is intended for GB HCPs only
AstraZeneca UK

11:40 - 12:25
Optimising treatment for cardiorenal patients
This is a promotional symposium sponsored and organised by AstraZeneca and is intended for GB HCPs only
AstraZeneca UK

12:45 - 13:30
Heart failure – recognising signs and symptoms
Dr Patricia Campbell, Consultant Cardiologist and Heart Failure Lead in the Southern Trust in Northern Ireland

Latest clinical practice guidelines
Pathophysiology of chronic heart failure
Role of pacemakers and defibrillators in managing heart failure
Does remote monitoring in heart failure reduce costs and improve outcomes?

14:00 - 14:45
Session details coming soon

15:00 - 15:45
ECG interpretation
Dr Daniel Sado, Cardiology Consultant and lead for the cardiac MRI program at King's College Hospital

16:00 - 16:45
Interactive Q&A session – Innovations in heart health
Prof Raj Thakkar, GP, Bourne End and Wooburn Green Medical Centre, President and CKD lead, Primary Care Cardiovascular Society

Dr Naguib Hilmy, GP with special interest in Cardiology, Whaddon Healthcare, Milton Keynes

Dr Anish Kotecha, GP partner, Cwmbran Village Surgery

  • AI and emerging health tools
  • Best practice examples and case studies
  • New models of care

Conference ends

All education events