24th April - Virtual GP Education Event - Common Hip and Knee Pathology

‘Common hip and knee pathology challenges in General practice’ - Q&A Virtual GP Education Event

Event overview:

‘Common hip and knee pathology challenges in General practice’ - Q&A Virtual GP Education Event

Dear GPs and Practice Managers 


We would like to invite you to attend or extend the invite to your colleagues for the upcoming education event at Spire Alexandra Hospital.


Spire Alexandra Hospital

looks forward to welcoming our local GPs to an evening

of education and discussion (~1 hour of CPD time)


Title: Common Hip and Knee Pathology


Date: Wednesday 24 April, 7:00PM—8:00PM



Professor Manish Kiran, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon



7:00pm: Login/ arrival

7:05pm: Brief introduction, and Professor Kiran ‘Common hip and knee pathology challenges in General practice’ with Q&A

8:00pm: Event ends


To book your place, please reply to this email or book your ticket through Eventbrite.

Please share this invite with your GP colleagues if you feel this talk would also be of interest to them.


If you have any specific topics you want to see covered during the event please let us know in your reply and we will relay this to the consultant to cover during their talk or Q&A.  



Any queries, please contact



All education events