16-17 July - Long Term Conditions, Rare Diseases and Urology

Free webinar by PULSE365 Virtual. This event is for HCPs only.

Event overview:

Free webinar by PULSE365 Virtual. This event is for HCPs only.

Long Term Conditions, Rare Diseases and Urology

This event is for HCPs only

Sign up for the summer instalment of Pulse Virtual with the July event: Long Term Conditions, Rare Diseases and Urology. Across two days, 16-17 July, this free-to-attend virtual clinical event will bring you up to speed in a convenient and easy way. Dip in and out, attend every session, or catch-up On-Demand: how you join us is up to you – that’s the benefit of being part of Pulse 365.

Our agendas are developed after research with your peers as well as experts in healthcare, therefore you can trust the quality of the talks on offer. Supported by Pulse, this free long term conditions, rare diseases and urology event for GPs is a great opportunity to continue your professional development.

Tickets for this online clinical event for GPs are completely free. GPs and GP Trainees are welcome to join at any point throughout the two days – fitting in their learning accordingly around clinics and other obligations. We will be recording a selection of talks during the event which will then be made available through our On-Demand service, thereby providing ample opportunity for further study.

Day 1

Long Term Conditions

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

09:30 - 10:25
Chair's Opening Remarks followed by Respiratory session (details coming soon)
Dr James Waldron, Nottingham City GP, LMC Local Representative, GP Notebook Educator and Podcaster, NextGenGP

10:40 - 11:25
Sponsored session - details coming soon (CVD)

11:40 - 12:25
Sponsored session - details coming soon (CVD)

12:40 - 13:25
An overview of Parkinson's
Carrie James, Nurse Consultant Neurology, Royal Berkshire Hospital

  • Stages of parkinsons
  • Medication
  • Palliative care

13:40 - 14:25
Ways to manage chronic pain
Dr Selena Stellman, GP lead for MSK and Personalised Care in NHS North West London, Salaried GP Fort House Surgery, Walton-on-Thames

14:40 - 15:25
Waking up to chronic insomnia in primary care
Dr Jonathan Sunkersing, GP with a special interest in sleep medicine

  • Chronic insomnia – what is it?
  • Should we be concerned?
  • Practical suggestions – beyond sleep hygiene and brief cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia

15:40 - 16:25
Improving primary care management of asthma: what can we do differently
Dr Matea Deliu, Associate Medical Director, GP, One Health Lewisham

  • Overview of asthma and current best practice in primary care
  • Updates to guidelines
  • Is there scope for digital monitoring devices

Conference ends


Day 2

Rare Diseases and Urology

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

09:30 - 10:25
Chair's opening remarks followed by: Rare renal diseases in childhood and how to manage any rare disease
Dr Aaliya Goyal, General Practitioner, Occupational Health Doctor, Nationally Elected Member of RCGP Council

Dr Larissa Kerecuk, Rare Disease Lead, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist, Birmingham Women's and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

  • Challenges faced by rare disease patients
  • Wide Range of paediatric renal conditions
    Congenital and acquired
  • Specific management for renal rare diseases
  • Best sources of information for health care professionals
  • How to work with expert patient and/or parent for benefit of patient

10:40 - 11:25
Acromegaly & Growth Hormone Deficiency in adults
Rob Murray, Consultant Endocrinologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Honorary Associate Professor, University of Leeds, Training Program Director D&E, HEEYH

Dr Sofia Llahana, NIHR Post-Doctoral Clinical Lecturer, City, University of London, Tech Innovation Fellow, ZincVC, Hon Consultant Nurse in Endocrinology, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

  • Acromegaly
  • Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults (GHDA)
  • Patient’s experience of GHDA

11:40 - 12:10
Using childhood short stature to diagnose underlying pathology and multisystem disorders
Prof Helen Storr, Queen Mary University of London Professor and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist

Prof Justin Davies, University of Southampton Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist

  • How to assess and when and to refer childhood short stature – recognition of overlooked groups
  • Why children with short stature following being born small for gestational age (SGA) demand extra scrutiny
  • Selected examples of childhood short stature, associated with SGA, illustrating how short stature is a marker rare disease and genetic conditions
  • How referral and diagnosis make a difference for long-term outcomes/health surveillance

Sponsored by:
Child Growth Foundation

12:25 - 13:10
Inherited metabolic disorders in adults - what the GP needs to know about PKU
Dr Gisela Wilcox, Honorary Reader & Consultant in Medical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine & North Wales Clinical Lead

  • PKU – beyond newborn screening
  • Transition in PKU
  • How PKU impacts adults at different ages
  • Supporting your adult PKU patient
  • Maternal PKU and post-partum care
  • Care of late diagnosed and older adults with PKU

13:25 - 14:10
Sponsored session - details coming soon

14:25 - 15:10
Managing Overactive Bladder (OAB) in Primary Care
Dr Julie Oliver, GPwSI gynaecology and Chair of PCWHF

  • FUN: understanding the driving symptoms of OAB (Frequency, Urgency, Nocturia)
  • Impact of symptoms on activities of daily living and quality of life
  • How treatment paradigms have changed to improve outcomes for patients

Sponsored by:
Astellas Pharma Ltd

15:25 - 16:10
Management of male hypogonadism
Dr Channa Jayasena, Consultant in Reproductive Endocrinology, Imperial College London and Head of Andrology Services, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

This session will cover the UK Society for Endocrinology recommendations for:

  • Common causes of male hypogonadism in primary care
  • How best to diagnosis male hypogonadism
  • Practical tips on the benefits / risks of testosterone therapy

Conference ends

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