5th June - LARC – who, how and why?

Join Dr Stephanie Cook and Carmel McCarthy as they discuss the who’s, how’s and why’s, when it comes to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC).

Event overview:

Join Dr Stephanie Cook and Carmel McCarthy as they discuss the who’s, how’s and why’s, when it comes to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC).

Join Dr Stephanie Cook and Carmel McCarthy as they discuss the who’s, how’s and why’s, when it comes to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC).

The webinar will support learning around:

  • The use of the contraceptive implant as LARC, including quick start after emergency contraception and how to manage common side effects
  • The use and licensing agreements for levonorgestrel intrauterine devices (LNG-IUD), including non-contraceptive benefits
  • The role of copper intra-uterine contraceptive devices (Cu-IUD) for emergency contraceptive purposes
  • The use and duration of the contraceptive injection (including the effect on bone health and guidance on when this method should be discontinued)



    General Practitioner with a specialist interest in Women’s Health
    Dr Stephanie Cook is a GP from Liverpool with a special interest in Women’s Health. Stephanie has been involved with the design, development and implementation of Primary Care Women’s Health Hubs across Liverpool and is the clinical lead for this service. The work in Liverpool has drawn significant interest at a national level and has provided material for the PCWHF: Women’s Health Hub Toolkit. Stephanie is passionate about improving access to services, reducing health inequalities and supporting training and education for other GPwSI Women’s Health.
    Practice Nurse
    Carmel has been Nursing for over thirty years in both the UK and Republic of Ireland. The majority of her career has been spent within Primary Care where she developed a special interest in women’s health. She is the Contraception and Sexual Health Lead Nurse with the University of Nottingham Health Service and is a non-medical prescriber with competencies in coil and implant fitting. After completing the FSRH Diploma she went on to become a Faculty Registered Trainer and founded Macey SRH with the aim of improving access to sexual and reproductive health education. Carmel is a member of the PCWHF Education Committee.







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