27th-28th March
The Menopause Special Skills Course will provide healthcare professionals with the key knowledge base for menopause care. Unique in its approach to learning, the course is engaging and interactive and promotes discussion and reflection from all participants.
Key benefits:
- The course is delivered live, not pre-recorded.
- Interactive sessions are followed by small workshop groups led by menopause experts. Questions can be asked, and clinical scenarios can be discussed.
- Course material is NICE compliant, and evidence based.
- 12 hours CPD
- View the agenda here
The medical course organiser is Dr Sarah Gray, who has developed this training programme since its inception in 2003. She is a GP and previously the Clinical Lead for the Menopause Service in Cornwall. She is an accredited FSRH Menopause Care Principle Trainer. Dr Gray will be joined by experienced clinicians to deliver this two day course.
Missed the 2024 course? The 2024 Menopause Special Skills Refresher Course is now available to view on-demand. This 1.5 hour learning experience will guide you through 2024 changes, including updated NICE guidance.
The course is split into two engaging sessions covering:
- HRT and cardiovascular, breast, bone, and mental health.
- New products on the market and how they fit into current practice.
- Managing unscheduled bleeding with HRT.
- Providing care after gynaecological cancer.